Monday, October 14, 2024

Cover Reveal: A Friend in the Glass

This is not a drill! It's been three years in the making, but grumpy ex-Army wanderer Sam and snarky confidential informant Rufus—sleuths and boyfriends—are back!

Title: A Friend in the Glass
Series: An Auden & O'Callaghan Mystery
Book #: Three
Written: Gregory Ashe and C.S. Poe
Cover art: Reese Dante
Release date: Tuesday, November 26, 2024

If you're new to Sam Auden and Rufus O'Callaghan, this is my co-written series with fellow mystery author and wonderful friend, Gregory Ashe. We released the first book in 2020—A Friend in the Dark—and have been slowly but surely continuing to get Sam and Rufus in love and in trouble. Maybe the coolest part of these books is the way in which we write them. No passing chapters back and forth via email or trying to share the dialogue of lead characters. We, quite literally, sit in a Google document together, for two hours at a time, and write. One page might be two paragraphs by Greg, one sentence by Poe, another sentence by Greg, so on and so forth. Every page is a melting pot of the two of us. I think this process allows for our very distinct styles to blend together and create a wholly unique narrative, while at the same time, not allowing readers to forget who we each are as authors, as I believe we can be readily seen in Sam (Greg) and Rufus (Poe).

Stay tuned for the reveal of the official blurb and pre-order links, coming very soon! And don't forget to add the book to your Goodreads shelf today.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sale: Snow & Winter series

The entire Snow & Winter series is on sale until Friday, September 20, in celebration of National Forensics Week! Sure, Sebastian Snow is a meddlesome sleuth who defies the rules, but Homicide detective Calvin Winter and Crime Scene Unit detective Neil Millett both put up with this colorblind antique dealer's antics because they love him. (Or don't—depends on who you ask.) So I decided to show Calvin and Neil some love with a good sale!

Open internationally and with all vendors, pick up any (or all!) of the five titles:

Bk 1: The Mystery of Nevermore | .99c
Bk 2: The Mystery of the Curiosities | $1.99
Bk 3: The Mystery of the Moving Image | $1.99
Bk 4: The Mystery of the Bones | $2.99
Bk 5: The Mystery of the Spirits | $2.99

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Translation: Il mistero delle immagini in movimento

The Italian edition of The Mystery of the Moving Image is now available through Triskell Edizioni and entitled, Il mistero delle immagini in movimento!

Blurb: È estate a New York, e l’antiquario Sebastian Snow sta per compiere un passo importante nella sua relazione con il detective della Omicidi Calvin Winter. I due hanno infatti deciso di andare a vivere insieme. Ma quella che avrebbe dovuto essere una splendida settimana di festeggiamenti in occasione dell’imminente compleanno di Calvin, subisce una svolta inquietante quando all’Emporium, il negozio di Sebastian, giunge una cassa misteriosa.

Al suo interno, c’è un raro esemplare di cinetoscopio di Thomas Edison – un visore inventato dal nonno del cinema moderno, W.K.L. Dickson –, e con esso il filmato di un omicidio risalente a oltre un secolo prima.

Sebastian resiste all’impulso di cominciare a indagare, anche se l’assassino dovrebbe ormai essere morto da tempo. Tuttavia, una serie di effrazione all’Emporium, una delle quali culminata nel ritrovamento di un cadavere, lo costringeranno a rivedere la sua posizione e a imbarcarsi nell’ennesima caccia al killer.

Publisher: Triskell Edizioni
Series: Snow & Winter
Vol: 3

| Amazon | Google Play | Kobo |

Translation: Omicidi al Madison Square Park

The Italian edition of Madison Square Murders is now available through Quixote Edizioni and entitled, Omicidi al Madison Square Park!

Blurb: Everett Larkin lavora per la squadra Casi Irrisolti: un gruppo di detective d’élite, per quanto a corto di personale e sovraccarico di lavoro, che risolve le morti dimenticate di New York. Larkin è diverso dagli altri, ma le sue abilità deduttive sono senza paragone e la sua memoria per i minimi dettagli è impareggiabile.

Quando una tempesta primaverile sradica un albero nel Madison Square Park, dissotterrando una cassa con resti umani al suo interno, il miglior detective dei Casi Irrisolti viene assegnato al caso. E quando una maschera mortuaria, di quelle diffuse in epoca vittoriana, viene ritrovata insieme al corpo, Larkin chiede assistenza all’unità Artisti Forensi e la riceve nella persona del detective Ira Doyle, suo completo opposto in tutto e per tutto.

Ragionamenti razionali e ricostruzioni facciali mettono Larkin e Doyle sulla scia di vecchi casi di omicidio e di un assassino ossessionato dal conservare in un calco le fattezze delle sue vittime. Se si include il flirtare insolente da parte di Doyle, il caso potrebbe finire con l’uccidere Everett Larkin.

Publisher: Quixote Edizioni
Series: Memento Mori
Vol: 1

| Amazon |

Friday, August 16, 2024

Sale: Madison Square Murders .99c

Madison Square Murders (Memento Mori: Book One) is on sale—August 16 only—for .99c at all retailers, including international! You can also take advantage of the sale by grabbing the audio, narrated by the talented Kale Williams, for the Whispersync price of $7.49.

Blurb: Everett Larkin works for the Cold Case Squad: an elite—if understaffed and overworked—group of detectives who solve the forgotten deaths of New York City. Larkin is different from others, but his deduction skills are unmatched and his memory for minute details is unparalleled.

So when a spring thunderstorm uproots a tree in Madison Square Park, unearthing a crate with human remains inside, the best Cold Case detective is assigned the job. And when a death mask, like those prominent during the Victorian era, is found with the body, Larkin requests assistance from the Forensic Artists Unit and receives it in the form of Detective Ira Doyle, his polar opposite in every way.

Factual reasoning and facial reconstruction puts Larkin and Doyle on a trail of old homicide cases and a murderer obsessed with casting his victims’ likeness in death. Include some unapologetic flirting from Doyle, and this case just may end up killing Everett Larkin.

This sale is courtesy of the Queer Your Bookshelf event.

| Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Google Play | iBooks | Kobo |

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Sale: Auden & O'Callaghan 50% off

From now until July 31st, pick up Auden & O'Callaghan, a dual amateur sleuth mystery series co-written with Gregory Ashe, for 50% off—only at Smashwords!

And we think you should take advantage of this sale and get up-to-date with Sam and Rufus... for no reason whatsoever. Definitely tell your friends, too.

 Series on sale here!

Monday, June 17, 2024

Status Update: Hudson River Homicides

I’ve cancelled both of the 2024 pre-orders (Magic & Steam 4 and Memento Mori 4) with the simple reason being: the looming deadlines for submitting pre-orders weren’t conducive to producing the quality writing my readers know and have come to expect.

I’ve been recovering from creative burnout for the last year, which led me to trashing the original (and half finished) manuscripts to both books mentioned above because they weren’t up to my storytelling standards. Unfortunately, those decisions put me behind schedule, and Amazon only allows authors to extend their pre-order once by an additional thirty days—which is rarely helpful. The only call to make, tough as it might be, was to cancel these pre-orders and finish writing the books at my own pace.

I love Larkin and Doyle (as well as Gillian and Gunner) so much, and writing these stories brings me such joy. I don’t want to lose what makes writing special in a mad dash to reach the finish line, and I don’t think readers would like those books either. I know this is disappointing, but I promise I’m hard at work on Hudson River Homicides and our favorite cold case detective and forensic artist aren’t going anywhere!

I’m going to avoid assigning a specific release date until I’ve finished writing the book. (It will be 2024!) But once Hudson River Homicides goes into edits, the schedule becomes surefire, so I’ll be able to share the date publicly! And when Book 4 releases, yes, Kale Williams will return to narrate the audiobook too.

I really appreciate your support of my writing and the excitement you share with me for Larkin and Doyle. I can’t tell you how incredible it is, how happy I am that these two unconventional heroes have found so much acceptance with readers.

Below is the official blurb for Hudson River Homicides, as well as a little excerpt for your reading pleasure! Thank you again, my friends, and I promise to keep you updated via newsletter and my social media channels.


Blurb: The Cold Case Squad has a problem: someone won’t stop taunting Detective Everett Larkin. He’s been able to apprehend some of the worst criminals to ever stalk the streets of New York City, thanks in great part to forensic artist and boyfriend, Ira Doyle, but after their last case, events have taken a turn for the worse.

A body recovered from the Hudson River bears a message addressed to Larkin, as well as another token from Victorian mourning culture. And as nineteenth century hair jewelry leads Larkin deeper into the growing tangle of interconnected crimes, it becomes evident that solving these mysteries will come at a profound cost. To be a good detective, Larkin will have to put his relationship on the line by revisiting the past and enduring sleepless nights—lest the sender act on their threat against Doyle.

What began as a game of cat and mouse has turned into a fight for love and life itself.


Excerpt: Doyle wore a light gray suit that morning—a color he didn’t typically favor, but in Larkin’s professional opinion, it really complimented his physical blessings—paired with a powder blue button down, sleeves rolled back of course, and a navy tie with the knot just the slightest bit askew.
In other words: Ira Doyle was perfect.
Doyle smiled, big and bright, like he only had eyes for Larkin. The strap of his portfolio bag crossed his chest from left to right and he held two of the same coffee cups and sandwiches as Porter—sans bacon, Larkin guessed.
Porter tilted his head sideways in reference to Doyle while saying, “Look who I bumped into at the food cart downstairs.”
Doyle said to Larkin, “I figured you’d probably be jonesing for some calories about now.”
“He’s a real peach, Grim,” Porter interjected.
“Thank you, Porter,” Larkin answered, holding the phone to his chest.
“I’m just saying—my ex-wife was never so thoughtful.” Porter set his breakfast on his messy desktop. He tossed his coat over the back of his chair and pocketed the handkerchief before adding, “Come to think of it, I don’t recall your husband ever coming ‘round with coffee, either.”
“Ex-husband,” Larkin corrected. “Because he was expected to be at his job.” And as Doyle approached Larkin’s desk, he said, more quietly to his partner, “You have a job too.”
“It’s still early,” Doyle insisted, voice dropping to match Larkin’s tone. He stood close enough that Larkin had to tilt his head back, but not so close that their intimacy was on public display. “How’re you?”
“I suppose making a spectacle over subpar hold music has given me away.”
“A bit.”
“I’m happy to see you.”
Doyle’s sympathetic smile bloomed like a recording of a time-lapsed flower on fast forward. “Yeah?”
“I’m always happy to see you.” Larkin heard the jazz music cut and he promptly raised the receiver to his ear.