Thursday, March 27, 2025

Translation: Les meurtres de Madison Square

The French edition of Madison Square Murders (Memento Mori: Book One) is available with Éditions Juno Publishing! Les meurtres de Madison Square (Memento Mori #1) is currently available in ebook with online retailers.

Blurb: Everett Larkin travaille pour la Cold Case Squad : un groupe de détectives d’élite – bien qu’en sous-effectif et surchargé de travail – qui élucide les morts oubliées de la ville de New York. Larkin est différent des autres, mais ses capacités de déduction sont inégalées et sa mémoire des moindres détails n’a pas d’égale.

Aussi, lorsqu’un orage de printemps déracine un arbre dans Madison Square Park, mettant à jour une caisse avec des restes humains à l’intérieur, le meilleur détective de l’équipe se retrouve chargé de l’affaire. Et quand un masque mortuaire, semblable à ceux de l’époque victorienne, est trouvé avec le corps, Larkin demande l’aide de la Forensic Artists Unit et la reçoit sous la forme de l’inspecteur Ira Doyle, son opposé en tous points.

Un raisonnement factuel et une reconstruction faciale mettent Larkin et Doyle sur la piste d’anciennes affaires d’homicide et d’un meurtrier obsédé par le portrait moulé de ses victimes dans la mort. Si l’on ajoute à cela un flirt sans complaisance de la part de Doyle, cette affaire pourrait bien finir par tuer Everett Larkin.

Publisher: Éditions Juno Publishing
Series: Memento Mori
#: 1

| Juno Publishing | Amazon | iBooks | Kobo | Vivlio |

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Translation: Il mistero delle ossa

The Italian edition of The Mystery of the Bones (Snow & Winter: Book Four) is available with Triskell Edizioni! Il mistero delle ossa (Snow & Winter Vol. 4) is available in ebook and paperback with online retailers.

Blurb: È trascorso un anno dal macabro ritrovamento che ha portato al fatidico incontro tra l’antiquario con il pallino dell’investigazione Sebastian Snow e il detective della Omicidi Calvin Winter. Da allora, la pazienza, la sanità mentale e l’incolumità di entrambi hanno subito infinite minacce e scossoni, ma il loro legame è più saldo che mai, e Sebastian sembra deciso a stare alla larga da indagini e misteri per dedicarsi all’organizzazione del suo imminente matrimonio.

Una mattina, però, all’Emporium viene recapitato un pacchetto con dentro una testa mozzata e uno strano biglietto che sembra volerlo richiamare all’azione. L’antiquario è determinato a non cedere alla curiosità e a non lasciarsi invischiare, ma quando una serie di efferati omicidi collegati alla famigerata “Guerra delle ossa” sviluppatasi in ambito paleontologico in età vittoriana rischia di colpire le persone a lui più care, per Sebastian diventa impossibile restare in disparte mentre la polizia brancola nel buio. Soprattutto perché la posta in gioco, stavolta, è la vita di Calvin.

Publisher: Triskell Edizioni
Series: Snow & Winter
Vol.: 4

| Triskell Edizioni | Amazon | Google Play | iBooks | Kobo |

Monday, February 10, 2025

Reads: January, 2025

I'm back to sharing my monthly reads (albeit late) but I'm being kind to myself, as it's a bit of trial and error when returning to the groove of things after the length of burnout I experienced. That aside, here were the books I reviewed for January:

All That Remains: A Renowned Forensic Scientist on Death, Mortality, and Solving Crimes by Sue Black

Mapping Murder: The Secrets of Geographical Profiling by David Canter

I'm hoping to get in some more fiction reading soon, and have implemented this plan in the form of a book club! If you'd like to be a part of this, please consider joining my Facebook group, C.S. Poe's Curious & Mysterious. We will be voting on the first book February 20 and the winner will be announced February 25. We'll read this title throughout March and meet at the end of the month in a fun and laid back Zoom chat to gush about the experience. 

In the meantime, I always post my reviews at Goodreads and BookBub and welcome to followers!

Monday, February 3, 2025

Conventions: 2025 appearances


I will be in attendance at three events in 2025 as a registered author! Will I have the chance to see you at any of these fantastic book conventions?

Coastal Magic Convention: Daytona Beach, FL, Feb. 20 - 23

RomantiConn: Trumbull, CT, Jul. 25 - 26

GRL: Scottsdale, AZ, Oct. 10 - 11

Friday, January 17, 2025

Sale: Curio

Until January 31, my latest short story and chaotic rom-com Curio is on sale for only .99c! This sale is exclusive to my direct shop and no checkout code is needed. Grab yourself a copy and decompress this weekend with secondhand shop owner Lew, hot guy and habitual customer Henry, and Lew's ridiculous Aunt Julia with her dyed green hair.

Check out my shop here.

Blurb: Llewellyn Cooper and his aunt Julia run Curio Cabinet in New York City’s West Village, where the clientele is as strange as the junk being amassed in their secondhand shop. Llewellyn and Julia have been as thick as thieves his entire life, and Llewellyn can’t imagine being anywhere else six days a week—even if Julia’s bizarre habits and inappropriate conversations drive him crazy. That’s family, though, right?

When Llewellyn drums up the nerve to chat with a routine customer—in part due to curiosity, as Henry McLaughlin returns time and again to purchase nothing but old photographs, but also because the bearded and bow tie–wearing man is the finest thing to ever step foot inside Curio—it seems like Llewellyn will finally have a plus-one for future RSVPs. But just when things start looking up in the romance department, it turns out Henry might be too strange for the Cooper family.

And that’s saying something.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Sale: 25% off audiobooks

Until January 31, 2025 all of the audiobooks for sale at my direct shop will be 25% off! These titles are already cheaper than the Whispersync prices, which means if you want to indulge in the entire Snow & Winter series, you can grab all five books for only $25, which is a pretty mean steal. Also available are my standalone novels Southernmost Murder and Color of You, and my spec-fic novella, 11:59.

All audiobooks will be available for listening on your Bookfunnel app, which is free to download on both Android and iOS.

Hit up my shop Emporium Press and use code at checkout: AUDIO25 and thank you for your support!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

2025 with C.S. Poe

Welcome to 2025!

I love January 1st. It has always felt like a natural do-over, a chance to get projects, goals, or plans implemented with a freshly cleaned slate. And to keep that sensation alive, I always deep-clean my house on New Year's Eve, open the windows to let out one year while allowing in the next, and stay up to welcome the change at midnight. And after the rough year I had in 2024, if you told me to hold my breath, dance on one foot, and throw corn at myself for additional good luck, I'd probably do it. I jokingly quote Michael Scott from The Office: I'm not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.

One lesson I took from 2024 is that I will no longer be assigning upcoming books a release date until the manuscript is finished. It's simply too much pressure, which complicates the artistry of writing. And the reader letdown when I've had to cancel pre-orders as well as my self-imposed guilt is simply no bueno. So as I head into 2025, release dates will be shared once I've completed the manuscript. Pre-orders will become available while the book is in edits, since that's a surefire schedule with my amazing team of editors at the helm.

So what can readers expect from me in 2025? A lot. I'm brimming with ideas—a whole heap of cool shit I can't talk about quite yet (a little stitious, remember?) but rest assured, it's in the works and I'm stoked about it! What I am willing to talk about is Memento Mori and Magic & Steam. As many are aware, I'm actively writing Hudson River Homicides, the fourth title in Memento Mori, after several re-writes and burn out, and that will be the first release of the year. Afterward, I'll be returning to Gillian and Gunner's steampunk universe to write and release the long-awaited fourth title in Magic & Steam, The Councilman.

I'll be in attendance at several book events in 2025, including Coastal Magic Convention in Daytona Beach, Florida, RomantiConn in Trumbull, Connecticut, and the annual return to GayRomLit, this time in Scottsdale, Arizona. I hope to see you at any one of these locations!

Otherwise, I plan to keep using this blog to share my book releases and sales, reviews of books I've read and movies watched, and maybe some new character-related content as well. And if you want to stay apprised with my production schedule, available free reads, and much more, be sure to follow my social media accounts or sign up for my newsletter. You can find all of that here.

Thank you for supporting my writing. This June will be my tenth year as a professionally published author, and that simply wouldn't be the case if it wasn't for readers like you. We're going to make this a great year together!