Friday, June 23, 2023

Soundtrack: Broadway Butchery

Broadway Butchery
is live! Larkin and Doyle's latest mystery was a doozy of a project—to say the least—but I'm pretty happy with the end result. And like I do with all writing, I obsessively listen to the same dozen songs over and over and over until the book is complete. Here's the soundtrack for Book 3:


NOT OK - Robert Grace

Arcade - Duncan Laurence

Love Again - Dua Lipa

Little Girl Gone - Chinchilla

Die Happy - Dreamers

The Search - NF

Sunset Jesus - Avicii

Achilles, Come Down - Gangs of Youth

Spillways - Ghost

Throne - Bring Me The Horizon

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Release: Broadway Butchery

Today is the long-awaited release of the third book in the Memento Mori series: Broadway Butchery! Everett Larkin is single-handedly the most difficult character I've ever written, and these mysteries are more complex and multi-layered than anything I've attempted before—but despite the months of research and writing that go into these books, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I hope you enjoy Larkin and Doyle's latest adventure!

Blurb: The Cold Case Squad of the NYPD is overworked, understaffed, but receiving great press due to star detective Everett Larkin. His uncanny memory and Holmesian-like skills of deduction have already led to the capture of one serial killer. Now he’s identified a second predator and brought an end to their twenty-plus year reign of terror.

Routine construction at a Broadway souvenir shop leads to the discovery of a mummified woman in the wall. And when Larkin receives a mysterious VHS tape that same night, he knows it’s no coincidence. Expecting a Victorian mourning artifact to surface in this new mystery, Larkin wastes no time turning to boyfriend Ira Doyle of the Forensic Artists Unit for help.

A web of nameless victims, countless suspects, and endless lies drag Larkin and Doyle deep into the gritty past of Times Square, reopening painful wounds and testing the fortitude of their relationship. And all the while, someone is watching, biding their time until they can make Everett Larkin nothing… but a memory.

Available Online Retailers
Title: Broadway Butchery
Series: Memento Mori
Book #: 3
Cover Art: Reese Dante

Add to your Goodreads and BookBub today!

Monday, June 19, 2023

Translation: Das Geheimnis der Kuriositäten

The German release of The Mystery of the Curiosities (Snow & Winter: Book Two), is now available as Das Geheimnis der Kuriositäten!

Blurb: Das Leben meint es gerade gut mit Sebastian Snow. Das Imperium läuft besser denn je und seine Beziehung zum NYPD-Mordkommissar Calvin Winter ist schöner, als er sich je hätte wünschen können. Der Valentinstag naht und alles, woran Sebastian denken kann, ist, wohin er Calvin ausführen soll. Doch diese Pläne werden erst einmal auf Eis gelegt, als ein Unbekannter das Fenster des Imperium einschmeißt und eine seltsame Nachricht hinterlässt.

In Windeseile lässt sich Sebastian in eine Reihe furchtbarer, aber augenscheinlich unzusammenhängender Morde verwickeln. Das Einzige, das die schrecklichen Taten verbindet, sind Kuriositäten aus dem verschollenen Museum von P. T. Barnum. Trotz Calvins Versuchen, Sebastian von den Ermittlungen fernzuhalten, wird schnell klar, dass jemand diese Rätsel hinterlässt, damit Sebastian die Mordfälle löst. Doch mit jedem Hinweis, der ihn dem Mörder näherbringt, verstrickt er sich immer mehr in Calvins Cold Cases. Auf einmal sind es nicht nur Sebastians Arbeit und Beziehung, die in Gefahr sind, sondern sein Leben.

Publisher: dead soft verlag
Series: Snow und Winter
Book #: 2

| Amazon | dead soft verlag |

Post: 19th Century Mourning Etiquette

In celebration of my upcoming release, Broadway Butchery, I've written a blog post about 19th century mourning etiquette and how I've incorporated elements of this history into the Memento Mori series.

Please take a read over at Joyfully Jay!

Monday, June 5, 2023

Post: 19th Century Queer Mysteries

In celebration of National Crime Reading and Pride month, I've written a post for Bring Crime out of the Closet, exploring the likelihood of nineteenth century mysteries featuring LGBT-identifying characters and reading the queer-coded subtext.

I hope you enjoy!