Thursday, February 29, 2024

Reads: February, 2024

February continues my streak of great reads with new research books and a review for an old favorite! All highly recommended for those interested in these topics/genre.

Clay and Bones: My Life as an FBI Forensic Artist by Lisa Bailey

In Death Lamented: The Tradition of Anglo-American Mourning Jewelry by Sarah Nehama

Still Life with Bones: Genocide, Forensics, and What Remains by Alexa Hagerty 

Among the Living (Psycop: Book One) by Jordan Castillo Price

My reviews are linked to Goodreads, but I cross-post to BookBub and new followers are always welcome!

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Translation: À la recherche du Docteur

The French edition of The Doctor (Magic & Steam: Book Three) is now available with Editions Bookmark and entitled, À la recherche du Docteur!

Blurb: 1882. Autrefois agent respecté du Bureau fédéral de la Magie et de la Vapeur, Gillian Hamilton se retrouve désormais sans titre, sans badge et derrière les barreaux. La révélation de son identité et de ses pouvoirs l’a fait tomber en disgrâce. Pour ne rien arranger, Gunner le Mortel a disparu dans les contrées sauvages de l’Ouest sans laisser de trace.

Mais, même au fond de son cachot, des rumeurs inquiétantes à propos d’un mystérieux médecin, connu sous le nom du Chirurgien, lui parviennent. Ce dernier aurait accès à des formes illégales de magie et, si tel est le cas, la violence, le chaos et la mort s’abattront sur New York. Gillian sait qu’il doit intervenir. Il demeure l’ultime rempart contre ce nouvel ennemi, avec ou sans l’aide du BFMV.

Pour réussir cette mission périlleuse, il lui faudra plus que son courage. Gillian aura non seulement besoin du talent inné de Gunner, mais aussi de son amour s’il veut mettre le Chirurgien aux arrêts avant que des dommages irréversibles ne soient causés au monde magique.

Publisher: MxM Bookmark
Series: De Magie et de Vapeur
Book #: T3

| Amazon | Google Play | iBooks | Kobo | 7Switch | Editions Bookmark |

Friday, February 16, 2024

Translation: Il mistero delle curiosità

The Italian release of The Mystery of the Curiosities (Snow & Winter: Book Two) is now available and entitled, Il mistero delle curiosità!

Blurb: Sebastian Snow è felice. L’Emporium va a gonfie vele e la sua relazione con il detective della Omicidi Calvin Winter è tutto ciò che ha sempre desiderato. Con San Valentino alle porte, la sua unica preoccupazione è decidere se invitare Calvin fuori per una cena romantica. Ma quando uno sconosciuto sfonda la vetrina dell’Emporium con un mattone lasciandosi dietro uno strano biglietto, i suoi programmi romantici passano in secondo piano.

In breve tempo Sebastian si trova coinvolto in una serie di macabri delitti il cui unico elemento comune sono i riferimenti alle “curiosità” del Museo di P.T. Barnum. Nonostante i tentativi di Calvin di tenerlo fuori dal caso, è evidente che l’assassino sia determinato a giocare la sua partita proprio con Sebastian, che ancora una volta si troverà a rischiare la vita per risolvere il mistero.

Publisher: Triskell Edizioni
Series: Snow & Winter
Book #: 2

| Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Google Play | iBooks | Kobo | Triskell Edizioni |

Monday, February 5, 2024

Release: Curio

Today is the pseudo-surprise release of my newest short story: Curio! A gay romcom palate cleanser perfect to read in between larger books, with lots of laughs and low angst to put a smile on your face.

Blurb: Llewellyn Cooper and his aunt Julia run Curio Cabinet in New York City’s West Village, where the clientele is as strange as the junk being amassed in their secondhand shop. Llewellyn and Julia have been as thick as thieves his entire life, and Llewellyn can’t imagine being anywhere else six days a week—even if Julia’s bizarre habits and inappropriate conversations drive him crazy. That’s family, though, right?

When Llewellyn drums up the nerve to chat with a routine customer—in part due to curiosity, as Henry McLaughlin returns time and again to purchase nothing but old photographs, but also because the bearded and bow tie–wearing man is the finest thing to ever step foot inside Curio—it seems like Llewellyn will finally have a plus-one for future RSVPs. But just when things start looking up in the romance department, it turns out Henry might be too strange for the Cooper family.

And that’s saying something.

Purchase: Available Online Retailers
Title: Curio
Cover Art: Reese Dante

Add to your Goodreads and BookBub today!

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Reads: January, 2024

January has been great in the reading department! I'm one of those readers who, once I begin a book, even if it's not for me, I read in its entirety. But I decided this month that a research book—riddled with historical inconsistencies, errors, and general lack of citations—wasn't worth my time. So instead, I enjoyed some new titles, reviewed some old, and it was a joy!

Grave Danger (Critter Catchers: Level Up: Book One) by Hank Edwards

Gentleman Bandit: The True Story of Black Bart, the Old West's Most Infamous Stagecoach Robber by John Boessenecker

Impeccable Credentials (Town Bronze: Book Three) by Ellie Thomas 

As always, I post my reviews at both Goodreads and BookBub and always welcome new followers!