Welcome to 2025!
I love January 1st. It has always felt like a natural do-over, a chance to get projects, goals, or plans implemented with a freshly cleaned slate. And to keep that sensation alive, I always deep-clean my house on New Year's Eve, open the windows to let out one year while allowing in the next, and stay up to welcome the change at midnight. And after the rough year I had in 2024, if you told me to hold my breath, dance on one foot, and throw corn at myself for additional good luck, I'd probably do it. I jokingly quote Michael Scott from The Office: I'm not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.
One lesson I took from 2024 is that I will no longer be assigning upcoming books a release date until the manuscript is finished. It's simply too much pressure, which complicates the artistry of writing. And the reader letdown when I've had to cancel pre-orders as well as my self-imposed guilt is simply no bueno. So as I head into 2025, release dates will be shared once I've completed the manuscript. Pre-orders will become available while the book is in edits, since that's a surefire schedule with my amazing team of editors at the helm.
So what can readers expect from me in 2025? A lot. I'm brimming with ideas—a whole heap of cool shit I can't talk about quite yet (a little stitious, remember?) but rest assured, it's in the works and I'm stoked about it! What I am willing to talk about is Memento Mori and Magic & Steam. As many are aware, I'm actively writing Hudson River Homicides, the fourth title in Memento Mori, after several re-writes and burn out, and that will be the first release of the year. Afterward, I'll be returning to Gillian and Gunner's steampunk universe to write and release the long-awaited fourth title in Magic & Steam, The Councilman.
I'll be in attendance at several book events in 2025, including Coastal Magic Convention in Daytona Beach, Florida, RomantiConn in Trumbull, Connecticut, and the annual return to GayRomLit, this time in Scottsdale, Arizona. I hope to see you at any one of these locations!
Otherwise, I plan to keep using this blog to share my book releases and sales, reviews of books I've read and movies watched, and maybe some new character-related content as well. And if you want to stay apprised with my production schedule, available free reads, and much more, be sure to follow my social media accounts or sign up for my newsletter. You can find all of that here.
Thank you for supporting my writing. This June will be my tenth year as a professionally published author, and that simply wouldn't be the case if it wasn't for readers like you. We're going to make this a great year together!