Wednesday, July 20, 2022

A Day in... Pt. 1

A (Very Exciting) Day in the Life of a Full-time Indie Author

Once upon a time, long, long ago in the ye olde days of the internet, I used to follow this fun group of strangers who would post 'a day in their life' via photographs. It was a really neat way to experience other places, cultures, and professions, and last week, it resurfaced in my mind and I thought: this could be a neat thing to do again!

I mean, let me preface, this life is not glamorous. I did nothing interesting. I didn't even hang out with my girlfriend. It was a very typical day. But hey, maybe someone will find it interesting, and maybe I'll do it again when there's something cooler on my calendar.

wake up

feed the kitties, skincare routine, make coffee...

activate the machine!

cereal while checking business accounts

and then work begins on Memento Mori 2

some light [research] reading...

a second cup of coffee and a second breakfast, because I'm a hobbit

walk around the apartment trying to work out plot kinks

post in my reader group on Facebook

about 5 1/2 hours of writing and research wrapped

a lunch of plant based hotdogs and fruit

watch a true crime doc on my break

kitties wake up for lunch

I can't jog in this heatwave, so an indoor workout will have to suffice

don't forget to hydrate!

also, vitamins

time for a shower

and we're dressed and ready for errands

check the P.O. Box

needed to get my glasses adjusted

walked by this cool doorway

picked up Sichuan for dinner!

arguably the most important decision of the day

spicy, cold sesame noodles is perfect when it's 900 degrees outside

check-in with the boys

a glass of whiskey...

...and bad TV while I catch up on some administration

yikes, two hours later!

give Milo a brush and top off my glass

doing a re-read on a favorite series before the release of Book 3

evening skincare routine and it's off to bed!


  1. Well I found it interesting!

  2. I found it interesting too! Hope you were able to get your glasses sorted. That can be such a pain.

  3. Fascinating, more, more, more
