Saturday, June 1, 2024

9 Year Publishing Anniversary

It's that time again—my many reasons to celebrate with whiskey and cupcakes! June holds a lot of joy for me. It's Pride month, it's my birthday month (37 this year!), but it's also my publishing anniversary month.

Nine years ago on June 1st, my very first professionally published short story debuted in a summer anthology. Love Has No Expiration has been out-of-print since my rights reverted in 2020 and I opened up shop as Emporium Press, but I promise that delightful little contemporary romance will get the princess treatment soon enough—an all-new cover, entirely re-written and expanded content, with fresh edits—and be available for sale once again.

Readers took a chance on a fresh-faced no-name, and the success of that one short story made the Snow & Winter series possible. Readers continued to take chances on content publishers and agents alike insisted had no audience, allowing me to publish my passion-project: Magic & Steam. And when I introduced an unreliable narrator named Everett Larkin, readers gave him a chance, making the Memento Mori series some of my most successful books to-date.

Your support, whether you've been reading me since 2015 or just began yesterday, has helped make all of these books possible. Your support allows me to write full-time, to keep coming up with bigger and better stories, and even allows me to tell the government: yes, this is my actual job! But most importantly, your support allows me the opportunity to hire other artists in the industry—which in these uncertain times of AI technology scraping and stealing data—can make all the difference.

2015 - 2024

5 short stories
5 novellas
12 novels
2 co-written novels
18 audiobooks
12 French translations (+8 contracts)
3 German translations (+2 contracts)
2 Italian translations (+16 contracts)

And I've got plenty more happening behind-the-scenes! Books being written (hello, Hudson River Homicides), audio productions penciled onto calendars, special collections in planning stages, and three confirmed events in the upcoming year, including: GRL '24 in Olathe, Kansas and Coastal Magic Convention '25 in Daytona Beach, Florida! (The third is still under wraps, per the organizer.)

Thank you so much for taking a chance on me, for trusting in my storytelling abilities, and supporting indie LGBT authors! Here's to many more years of reading together.


  1. Hi Carol (I'm not sure if I got your name right, sorry), I'm a long time reader and listener of your books and I want to say happy 9th anniversary! Yoor books are so well researched, so well thought out psychologically, they are a true delight to read. My favourite MC is Everett Larkin. Take care of yourself, and I wish you tons of success for the next 9! Hugs from the Netherlands,
    Sophie Smeenk

  2. Congratulations on the anniversary, and your triumphant success!
